Morning Coffee

There is a scent in the air Warm, enticing and delightfulIt weaves its way around my faceAs stealthy as a owl at nightUnseen in the darkness. Deep breath in; limbs start to moveDrawn from the depths of my warm hiveAs bees are enticed into summerWith the promise of fresh nectar And the murmur proceeding the buzz. Eyes... Continue Reading →

Black dog.

Snow piles up in granite cliffs, Oppressive, Immovable, Unscaleable.A threat of landslide of bruising finality.The howls of the incoming dogs the heartless barrier against the world. She stands determined against the frozen tempestFacing the block of iron wood.Every strike rebounding, every misplaced strokeA step towards a chip of potential heatBringing warmth back into the household.... Continue Reading →

The bully

There’s something I want to say to youCos Im an angry mum.I think your darling son's a twat;But no, I hold my tongue. Grabbing the others round the neckYanking them to the groundUsing fists in games of tagPushing them around Screaming in their face in footyStamping on their feetShouting commands to dominateMocking the way they... Continue Reading →

The right to be Miss Havisham

There was a time when the grass was greener, when spring water danced over stepping stones in flower filled meadows and the sun was warm on our backs. There was a time when we lay on our pink checked picnic blankets and read of heroes and princes. We dreamed of roses and wedding cakes and that final... Continue Reading →

The ghost of plates past – unedited

Plates, saucers and gold trimmed Victorian serving bowls crashed to the floor. She erupted through the wall, mouth stretched open, black broken teeth edged by a blood red tongue. Her lips peeled back around a gaping black void that stretched wider and wider, past the limits of a human face. Green globs of saliva dripped... Continue Reading →

The Traveller

Would you like to hear a story? Then listen closely and I will tell you the story of the Traveller. There is a place. In that place there is a room. It's not a big room, but it's not a small room either. It is, perhaps, just the size it needs to be. On the... Continue Reading →


Muffled voices from above. Shrieks. Screams. A sharp heavy bang, a fist hitting something solid. Shouting. Voices shouting. The shrill high shriek of off pitch singing, just a few bars. Laughter.  Various voices talking at once, getting louder and clearer as they fight to be heard. Some deep, some high, some squeak. Louder. Faster. Louder. Faster. A  waterfall of voices building... Continue Reading →

What are we doing here?

We're all down with a cold this weekend. Sore throats, squeaky voices and a lot of snot. It's not pleasant. So it seemed like a good time to start the blog - except the fuzzy head makes it hard to find anything to say. I'm returning to my personal blog after a 6 year break.... Continue Reading →

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